Research Fields of Interest
<Alpine Timberline Dynamics>
Forest structure, Establishment of trees, Matter production of alder bush, LTER site
<Ecology of Riparian Forest>
Cool-temperate forest (Chichibu Mountains and Sado Island), Monitoring site 1000 Project
Coexistence and Regeneration mechanisms of riparian trees
<Conservation & Management of Riparian Forest>
Plantation, restoration and rehabilitation of riparian forest
<Life-history Strategy of Trees>
Reproductive strategy: Pollination, Seed dispersal, Seed production (Masting)
Sex expression (Dioecy: Actinidia polygama, Androdioecy: Fraxinus platypoda)
Sprouts(Pterocarya rhoifolia, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Acer carpinifolium)
Ecology and management of alien invasive species (Robinia pseudoacacia)